Frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What time do I need to be there on day 1?
A: Day 1 Registration commences at 8am
Q: What do I need to wear for class?
A: Leotard/tights. Optional skirt. (or Male equivalent). Leggings or shorts for contemporary. Hair tidily groomed and off face.
Q: Can my student leave the building in breaks?
A: Yes if with parent/guardian or if the student has permission to leave.
Q: Where do I find the timetable?
A: Timetables are emailed to enrolled students. Simply follow the classes for your child’s grade/level
Q: I do not study RAD so is the classes suitable for me?
A: Only the Winter Workshop has an optional RAD class. Every other class at Winter Workshop and Summer Seminar is suitable for students from all backgrounds.
Q: What ages/level are the Winter Workshop/Summer Seminar suitable for?
A: Grade 2- Advanced 2 plus. 8yrs to 18 + but exceptions to this are possible.
Q: Can I watch my child’s classes?
A: At the Winter Workshop you are welcome to watch your child’s class on the final day. An RSVP form will be emailed.
At the Summer Seminar friends and family are invited to watch the final showcase. A link for tickets will be emailed.